General Terms and Conditions
of Giopp Handels GmbH Luzern / swiss cheese art
The following general terms and conditions apply exclusively to our customers.
Effective from: 20 November 2024
Data Protection
Personal customer data is treated confidentially in accordance with data protection legislation and is neither disclosed to third parties nor sold. Only data necessary for processing orders or other inquiries about our products is collected.
Food Regulations / Compliance with Provisions
Our products comply with Swiss food regulations and are inspected for conformity by independent bodies.
Giopp Handels GmbH assumes no liability for undeliverable or delayed deliveries of products due to incorrectly declared delivery addresses, absence of the recipient, or events attributable to force majeure. Giopp Handels GmbH also assumes no liability for damages or viruses resulting from access to its website.
Legal Notice
The content of this website is protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Content may not be distributed, published, modified, reused, forwarded, or used for public or commercial purposes without written permission. Giopp Handels GmbH cannot guarantee or be held liable for the accuracy or completeness of its website and excludes any liability for incomplete or incorrect content.
Our business activities are governed exclusively by Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is Lucerne.
Lucerne, 20 November 2024